Craftsmanship Submissions
Enter the craftsmanship category for Flower City Comic Con 2024!
Please read all the information before submitting
You must pre-register in order to be considered for craftsmanship- There will be no day of entries for this category.
Not every individual who submits will be accepted for pre-judging​.
Every entrant will be contacted via e-mail on Saturday, September 7th- if selected you will be given a specific time to meet with the judges. If you are not ready at your given time and/ or miss your time you will be disqualified from craftsmanship (example: if you are assigned 2pm and show up at 2:01, you will be disqualified- no exceptions).
​You are required to submit a build book of the cosplay you will be entering- if the cosplay is not finished submit what you have and concept sketches of the final look (MUST be your own art). Upon submitting, at least 70% of your cosplay must be complete and included in your build book. ​
Pre-registration for craftsmanship will close on September 1st, 2024 at 11:59pm est.
If you have any questions please reach out us at help@fc3roc.org.
Pre-judging should take around 5-10 minutes per person so please have everything you need ready when you enter the room, be respectful of the judge’s time as well as the other contestants.
Be prepared to answer questions from the judges about your craft and why you chose that character!
Bring your forms (you will receive this via email if accepted) with you to the cosplay contest at (time TBA) and show off your look to the crowd and judges!