About Us
Mighty Monkey Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to encouraging an interest in and appreciation of Science, Technology, and the Arts by creating awareness of, and appreciation for, popular culture art forms, primarily through the presentation of conventions and events that provide opportunities for participation in the community. The Corporation was formed for the charitable purpose of preserving and showcasing contemporary cultural elements depicted, while being a driving force for equality, inclusion, diversity, cooperation and public service in our communities.
Mighty Monkey Corporation is staffed by a dedicated group of educators, artists, technologists and public servants from throughout the Western and Central New York regions, dedicated to being an ongoing part of the community and ensuring a place for all regardless of gender, orientation, disability, race, age or religion. All money raised, whether through event ticket sales, sponsorship, or fundraising, is used for our annual convention and our year round activities in the community. We are a 100% volunteer run organization.

Hi, I am Simi Anne Hensiletail and yes I am THE MIGHTY MONKEY of Mighty Monkey Corporation.
I am 12 years old, I love comic books, exploring and my family. I dislike bullies, brussel sprouts and scary movies. I am a natural gymnast and get straight A’s in science at the Jane Goodall Middle School.
Born and raised in Rochester, my favorite things are: The Beatles, The Incredibles, Imagine Dragons, Star Wars (I dream of one day flying the Millenium Falcon), Chronicles of Narnia, and Comic Cons!
Speaking of Comic Cons I have Cosplayed as: Super Girl, Wonder Woman, Han Solo and “Combat Ready” Boo. One Day I hope to Cosplay as Beast from X-Men--He’s My Fav!!
The comics I follow are Ms. Marvel, Teen Titans and X-Men (sigh Beast is Amazing)

Dan Carmen - President
Avid reader, adventurer, marathon runner, diehard Debbie Gibson fan, LEGO enthusiast, Whovian, Swiftie. He is the one of the two “Brains of the operation” and one of the more ultimate herders of cats. At press time, he is in possession of one of the deeper wells of patience… which Chris is typically trying his hardest to drain at any given moment in time. He is the embodiment of “It’s always the quiet ones…”

Chris Frank - Vice President
Building inspector by day, panel room guru by night, Chris is well-versed on how to build things and make sure they are solid. With his solid Geek Credentials he makes sure that the panel rooms are full, the topics relevant and interesting, moderators up to the challenge and every corner of the Geek world has a place at that table.
He does all that while building a media empire in his home office, which has several locations, and always thinking about what else can be added to Flower City Comic Con. After all, he is one of the founding brains of the event.

Tanya Metras - Talent Coordinator tanya@fc3roc.org
Tanya’s long career in Special Education has prepared her for dealing with the senior staff of the Flower City Comic Con. She is a mom, a lover of tabletop gaming, dice goblin, a Grogu addict, an avid golfer, a devotee of Fleetwood Mac music and an advocate for the theory of “just because I can’t sing, doesn’t mean I won’t sing” (which is off a bit… she’s actually a good singer). But more to the point, Tanya is a sense of calm in the middle of what is often a storm.

Brian Burke - Operations Director
The original Man About Town and Master of Folk Dancing, Brian has been in the trenches from the early days of The Mighty Monkey working with vendors and exhibitors. He has been going out of his way to ensure that vendors are signed, organized, and informed for well over six (SIX? AHHHH!) years now. All of this while teaming up with his wife, Missy, to raise three boys, be active in Boy Scouts and find the occasional free moment to watch Doctor Who

Anne Leibeck - Executive Vice President
Several years ago, Anne was told not to talk to any of us. Fast forward to today and she’s one of our top people and deeply involved in our recent successes. Anne loves Star Wars, and we mean LOVES it (just ask her about her wedding). She is also a big proponent of giving back to the community that has raised us up over the past many years. Be it through dance, Girl Scouts, advocacy for charities or simply making sure everyone’s eaten, Anne is a constant force in our lives helping us move forward in everything we do.
Deanna Schulmerich - Public Relations
When not rooting for Pittsburgh-the Steelers, Penguins, Pirates, the city- or trying to figure out if 70’s and 80’s pop culture is still relevant in today’s comic con arena, Dee tries to comprehend just how many fandoms there are in the pop culture and comic world. She is constantly crafting, coordinating and polishing the message used to get the word out to everyone about what Mighty Monkey does.

Contact Us!
We will do our best to respond as quickly as possible. If you do not wish to use this form, you can email us directly at help@fc3roc.org. Thanks!!